Nine Reasons Not To Visit Belize (And Why You Should Anyway)
Looking for reasons to visit Belize? Learn why this Caribbean paradise’s ‘drawbacks’ are actually its best features. Authentic travel awaits!
Catherine “Cathi” Bray is a travel agent, freelance writer, and firearms instructor who splits her time between Belize and Texas with her husband, Tom and their Great Dane/Mastiff mix, Allen, and Poo-Hua-Hua puppy, Maya. Cathi is a former newspaper reporter/magazine writer and was the proud recipient of an Associated Press award back in her newspaper days. The Brays started two businesses in Belize and lived to tell the tale. Cathi loves spending time with her children and grandchildren and sharing Belize with them whenever possible.
Looking for reasons to visit Belize? Learn why this Caribbean paradise’s ‘drawbacks’ are actually its best features. Authentic travel awaits!
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